2022-present day

Geolocative sound interventions at places offering humanitarian support to the Latin American migrant community.

Smartphones and mobile technologies are more than tools for completing migratory journeys of forced displacement; they are lifelines. These devices facilitate affordable long-distance communication, access to supportive communities, and portals with essential information. They also serve as documentation tools for recording and denouncing human rights violations. According to reports from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), smartphones provide emotional strength and resilience, helping individuals navigate the complexities of forced migration and a mental health crisis that overwhelms the migrant community.

x-o.global is a socially engaged project designed to amplify the positive effects of mobile technologies within migratory flows and cultural integration processes. Using geolocative media, the x-o.global platform harnesses smartphones and the Global Positioning System (GPS) to create interactive audio experiences that respond to the ongoing migration crisis in the Americas. By intercepting GPS data, the platform synchronizes physical movement with virtual soundscapes, inserting audio maps into camps, shelters, and other humanitarian spaces to support the Latin American migrant community. This project uses natural soundscapes to evoke memory, resilience, and well-being, fostering interculturality through shared experiences. This way, the so-called nature becomes common ground—a space where knowledge systems intersect and evolve.

(Documentation of x-o.global at the unregulated settlement of “La Mula” in Iquique, northern Chile, 2022.)